Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April FMQ Challenge

Hello my quilty friends!! Time for the April update on the Free Motion Quilting Challenge. I've actually been meaning to use this blog for all my crafty stuff, but I'm so bad for taking pictures of stuff. I guess it's a good thing I never wanted to become a professional blogger.

Anyhow, April's challenge - I loved this one! I love this method of transferring over a pattern for quilting purposes, and am so certain I will use it again. I've actually found myself seeing other patterns and thinking "I could transfer that over and quilt it on...".

So, I've attached pictures of the original pattern, courtesy Don Linn, my transfer through tulle (which was hard for me to find oddly enough... finally found it in the wedding section of Michael's. Living in Canada sometimes poses some challenges with finding supplies on a short time limit), and my final quilting. I used black thread on off white muslin, so it would stand out more, although I don't think on a normal quilt I would use something so contrasting. Of course I'm not perfect, but I am happy with the overall concept, and outcome.


  1. Your April challenge piece looks fantastic! What did you use to mark your quilt sandwich? Did you have any trouble removing the marked lines after you stitched it?

  2. Hey Carol....your FMQ is wonderful..I really like the feathers and the flowers..great job girl!!
